Nickname Hall of Fame


The Nickname is a mystifying tradition and a national phenomenon. Nowhere are nicknames thicker on the ground than across Australia's remote rural regions and Coonamble is the capital. You have…

The Nickname is a mystifying tradition and a national phenomenon. Nowhere are nicknames thicker on the ground than across Australia's remote rural regions and Coonamble is the capital. You have entered a realm where the 'real' names of most of the men and many of the women and children have been forgotten, even by their mothers. Nothing and no-one is safe.

Anything is fodder for the nicknaming wits of Coonamble - a personal mannerism, a once-mentioned mistake, one mis-pronounced word, an unusual physical characteristic, a fashion faux pas, a sporting slip-up, or a midnight misjudgement. A nickname may last a day, a week on the job ... or many generations.

Coonamble is the Nickname Hall of Fame. Take a stroll to see the billboards scattered around the streets and get to know some of their stories. Or stay for a while and get to know the locals.

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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